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Wednesday 27 January 2010

Juande recoge en Plasencia el premio "Tomás García Verdejo" a las buenas prácticas educativas - Juande gets the "Tomás García Verdejo" prize

Ayer fue un gran día para nuestro cole, pues se entregaron los premios a las buenas prácticas educativas "Tomás García Verdejo" y como todos sabemos, nuestro cole ha sido galardonado con uno de ellos. El acto se celebró en Plasencia y acudieron al mismo Carmen y Juande representando a toda la comunidad educativa del CEIP Torre Águila. El acto fue presidido por el presidente de la Comunidad Autónoma de Extremadura, D. Guillermo Fernández Vara y la Consejera de Educación, Dña. Eva Mª Pérez entre otros.
¡Enhorabuena a tod@s!

Yesterday was a great day for our school, we were awarded a prize for good educational practice, the "Tomás García Verdejo" award. The ceremony took place in Plasencia and was attended by Carmen and Juande who represented the whole educational community of CEIP Torre Aguila. The ceremony was presided by the president of the Autonomic Community of Extremadura, D.Guillermo Fernandez Vara and the minister of Education, Dña. Eva Mª Pérez amongst other people.
Congratulations Everyone!

Wednesday 20 January 2010

Es tiempo de cambiar - It's time to change

Para finalizar los actos del día de la Paz cantaremos esta canción, así que nos estamos aprendiendo la letra para cantarla muy alto, ya que en ella se refleja todo lo que queremos expresar y reivindicar en este día.

To round off the day of peace we are going to sing this song, we are in the process of learning the words by heart so we can sing really loudly. This song reflects everything we want to express and demand from this day.

Dia de la Paz- Day of Peace

On the 29th January 2010 we will celebrate a day of peace. We will be holding a race for the children and their families in the town with each child contributing one euro which will go to a charity. The children will also be undertaking a variety of activities throughout the day on the theme of peace.

¡Hola a tod@s! El día viernes 29 de enero celebraremos en el cole el Día de la Paz. Este año vamos a celebrar una carrera solidaria por Haití, de manera que para participar y así ayudar a recuperar este país, cada corredor pondrá un euro (el que quiera dar más puede hacerlo, y el que no pueda dar un euro, que de lo que pueda). Será alrededor del colegio y posteriormente realizaremos otras actividades que estamos preparando. ¡Os esperamos!

Wednesday 13 January 2010

Trip to Finland

As part of the new project our first trip was to Finalnd to the Paimelan and Kalliolan school which are both located in the city of Lahti, located about one hour north of the capital Helsinki. The trip took place from the 25th-29th Novemeber and we were hosted wonderfully by our Comenius friends. Three teachers Juande, Gema, Alice and two students Andrea and Gloria went to Finland. The students stayed at a host family´s house where they were able to learn a lot about Finnish culture. We undertook loads of activities and saw many interesting things which we all thoroughly enjoyed. The trip was very well organised indeed! I will add one photo to give you a taster of what the trip was like, more will be uploaded soon! We would like to thank Finland for their kind hospitality :-)

Trip to Badajoz

On the 2nd December the children is years 3-6 went on a trip to the nearby city of Badajoz to watch a Classical Music Concert. Afterwards they were given a talk about some of the instruments used in the concert.

Comenius Poster Competition

On the 20th October we held a poster competition to see which year group could create the best representation of Barbano´s participation in the new project. The winners were the 2nd cycle class! Well Done!!!!


This is not much of a celebrated holiday in Spain on the 31st of October, but its definitely up and coming. The kids love this event because they get to dress up in scary clothing and ask people for sweets. As you can see above, most of the nursery school in Barbano had their faces painted.

Dia de la Castaña- Chestnut Day

Another beautiful day on the 6th of November saw all the children and lots of their parents and other family members come together in the gardens of a small church in Barbano to eat roasted chestnuts amongst other things and to drink chocolate milk. The children took part in a variety of traditional games and dances alongside the grandmothers of the village.